Fortran 90-95 Assignment

09-29-2010, 12:24 AM
Please Help me with my assignment,,,,,,

Write a computer code in Fortran (preferably Fortran 90 or later) that performs the following operations

Transpose of a matrix of any order

Transpose of a square matrix

Matrix addition

Matrix multiplication

Evaluation of C = BTAB

Evaluation of C and storing result in A

Multiplication of a matrix by a vector

Solution of linear systems of equations using Guass’s
elimination without row interchange (pivoting) for positive definitie matrices

Solution of linear system of equations using Guass’s elimination allowing row interchange.

Solution of linear systems of equations using Guass’s elimination for positive definite symmetric matrices

Solution of linear systems of equations using Guass’s elimination for symmetric banded matrices

Solution of linear systems of equations using Guass’s elimination for non-symmetric banded matrices

Inverse of a matrix by Guass’s elimination

Inverse of an upper triangular matrix

09-30-2010, 02:51 AM
replyyyyyyyyyyy plzzzzzzzzzzz i have to submit the assignment by next week..............