Using NR3 with MATLAB

  1. Linear fit of independent variables (0 replies)
  2. Converting mxArray to MatInt (0 replies)
  3. NR+Mathematica (0 replies)
  4. Real-time plot error on Matlab. HELP!! (2 replies)
  5. Howto resize arrays without loosing data (2 replies)
  6. Howto 4-D (or more) arrays??? (7 replies)
  7. Help calling functions from matlab command line (3 replies)
  8. Problem downloading the nr3matlab.h file (2 replies)
  9. Simple PLL question (0 replies)
  10. MatLab Reference Book (4 replies)
  11. C++ 6.0 Compilier (0 replies)
  12. sort repeating numbers (0 replies)
  13. alternate for feval (1 replies)
  14. more speed! (2 replies)
  15. Please help with 3D matrix! (3 replies)
  16. A mexfunctionto implement numerical integration (0 replies)
  17. calling matlab m-file from mex (1 replies)
  18. reshaping matlab matrices for NR3 (1 replies)
  19. wrapper for the simplex fitter amoeba (2 replies)
  20. Bug in nr3matlab.h (3 replies)
  21. Most basic problem of all, Hello world (4 replies)
  22. Help needed (0 replies)
  23. random numbers in MATLAB, is a good generator? (1 replies)
  24. Tutorial on using NR3 code from within MATLAB (4 replies)