Methods: Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6

  1. Question on 6.12 Hypgeo (0 replies)
  2. 6.12 : error in the evalution of the hypergeometric function (5 replies)
  3. Is there an erratum in eqn 3.7.12? (0 replies)
  4. 2d splines (0 replies)
  5. cubic spline - sig and p (0 replies)
  6. numerical integration - data points (5 replies)
  7. Problem with ratlsq.f90 subroutine (5 replies)
  8. Hypotenuse calculation, 5.5.4 (0 replies)
  9. Problem with DDPOLY() ?? (7 replies)
  10. High-order Bessel functions (cross products) (0 replies)
  11. Unable to understand "straight line route" in polint (1 replies)
  12. 2D interpolation in Polar Coordinates ?? (0 replies)
  13. Smooth curve fit/interpolation in two or more dimensions (1 replies)
  14. cubic splines without using vectors class (1 replies)
  15. numerical partial differentiation (0 replies)
  16. computing the circumferential integrals with FFT (0 replies)
  17. function performin double integral using 1 dimensional (0 replies)
  18. Bessel functio - #include <limits> (2 replies)
  19. double integral and problem with function to evaluate (0 replies)
  20. Problem with Fortran double precision and interpolation routines (0 replies)
  21. Help me on C programme (0 replies)
  22. approximation error of CDF Gamma distribution? (0 replies)
  23. Modified Bessel Functions (1 replies)
  24. Weight factor in Bicubic spline (0 replies)
  25. Numerical integration of on a curved (1 replies)
  26. Order of the bicubic spline (0 replies)
  27. exponential interpolation (0 replies)
  28. Spline Extrapolation (1 replies)
  29. Need help: Bessel Function (0 replies)
  30. help needed calling midinf subroutine (1 replies)
  31. Pade's Apprximation (0 replies)
  32. Problem using Qtrap to integrate sinx (probably v. simple!) (0 replies)
  33. Problem with bessj0 in C program (0 replies)
  34. qtrap in Fortran 95: integrating ELEMENTAL functions (0 replies)
  35. Numerical Integration & Differentiation (0 replies)
  36. 5.6 Quadratic and Cubic Equations - error (0 replies)
  37. Discontinuities in 1st Kind Modified Bessel Func (2 replies)
  38. Hyper Geometric Function 2F1 (1 replies)
  39. Inverse Incomplete Beta Function (1 replies)
  40. incomplete beta function - divergence to Excel (1 replies)
  41. Trouble with gauleg (0 replies)
  42. Problem with Double Integration (4 replies)
  43. Kriging method (0 replies)
  44. Is there a Bug in Trapzd C Code or not? (1 replies)
  45. Problem with gaulag? (1 replies)
  46. size of KERNEL (1..n) in splin[es].c (0 replies)
  47. bicubic interpolation (1 replies)
  48. Computation of polygamma function (2 replies)
  49. Inversion of splines (3 replies)
  50. Potential crash in spline? (1 replies)
  51. chder bug? (2 replies)
  52. Bicubic Interpolation: bcucof() bug? (2 replies)
  53. Lagrange Coefficients (0 replies)
  54. zero crossing interpolation (0 replies)
  55. bicubic spline (boundary condition problem) (2 replies)
  56. f3tensor subroutine meaning.. (0 replies)
  57. Bug in 2nd edition version of gammln() (8 replies)
  58. 3D bicubic spline. (1 replies)
  59. 2D bicubic interpolation (2 replies)
  60. Bug in QROMB.C? (1 replies)
  61. question in qtrap and trapzd (0 replies)
  62. the integration algorithm is working (0 replies)
  63. adaptive algorithm in 3D (0 replies)
  64. 3D integration (0 replies)
  65. Pleas help on 3D integration (1 replies)
  66. 2D extrapolation (0 replies)
  67. 3D integration of exp function (0 replies)
  68. F-Quantile c++ code (0 replies)
  69. 2D gauss elliptical function (0 replies)
  70. my sinc/FFT Integration is right? (0 replies)
  71. Runge's function (0 replies)
  72. Horner method (6 replies)
  73. Chebyshev second derivative question (9 replies)
  74. trapzd returning half of answer? (3 replies)
  75. Convergence Problems : Incomplete Gamma Function (4 replies)
  76. question (0 replies)
  77. a question about the version (2 replies)
  78. Legendre functions (0 replies)
  79. 3D Integration (0 replies)
  80. Is it cublic spline? (1 replies)
  81. Where to get free resource? (1 replies)
  82. Interpolation in two or three dimensions (1 replies)
  83. Spline problem (2 replies)
  84. Bug in spline routine? (1 replies)
  85. algorithm for calculation of x^(4/3) (3 replies)
  86. Gauss-Kronrod integration (0 replies)
  87. Question on Numerical Derivative Algorithm (dfridr) (1 replies)
  88. Rational Function Interpolation - What about the Poles? (1 replies)
  89. An integration problem (0 replies)
  90. Trouble with bessik (2 replies)
  91. Anybody help me to get the first derivatives in spline()? (1 replies)
  92. Integration (2 replies)
  93. Bug in "gauher" routine? (1 replies)
  94. Cubic Spline Interpolation: Bulges (0 replies)
  95. ANSI C code for bessel functions (1 replies)
  96. How to specify second derivative in SPLINE (0 replies)
  97. Spline Interpolation : Explanation of the data on page 119 on NR (0 replies)
  98. Cubic spline derivative (1 replies)
  99. Bessel-like function approximation (0 replies)
  100. Numerical second derivative (0 replies)
  101. stable spherical harmonics for large l (3 replies)
  102. Discontinuity in modified Bessel function K_2/3(x) (2 replies)
  103. plgndr very old bug? (2 replies)
  104. Interpolating on randomly spaced data points (2 replies)
  105. Integration of Error function and Sum to infinity including cosine function (6 replies)
  106. Interpolation in 3D (6 replies)
  107. midpnt and derivatives( inf, exp, sqrt, etc.). (1 replies)
  108. Spline interpolation (1 replies)
  109. Series acceleration (5 replies)
  110. process simulation (0 replies)
  111. Weierstrass elliptic functions (4 replies)
  112. Cubic Spline interpolation (2 replies)
  113. Path Interpolator for CNC (3 replies)
  114. Bessel functions of integer order and complex argument (2 replies)
  115. qtrap/qsimp (1 replies)
  116. qromo (2 replies)
  117. Polint routine used with 200 data points (2 replies)