Methods: Chapters 2, 11, and 18

  1. Possible performance issue with SVD::decompose() (0 replies)
  2. Robust Vector Normalization Routine (0 replies)
  3. eigenvectors from hqr? (2 replies)
  4. How many hessenbegs for a given matrix? (2 replies)
  5. QR decomposition, R with SIGN Error (1 replies)
  6. SVD Output Error (5 replies)
  7. compiling problem in Jacobi routine (1 replies)
  8. Problem using LUDCMP (2 replies)
  9. Error in hqr2? (1 replies)
  10. matrix solving method (1 replies)
  11. zero-indexing in svdcmp.c (1 replies)
  12. not working Jacobi transformation routine (3 replies)
  13. Where to find Module nr Used in F90 Sub [B]SvdCmp_dp[/B]() ?? (5 replies)
  14. Interface to calling the Jacobi function (0 replies)
  15. How to find inverse of a sparse matrix? (1 replies)
  16. Warning messages while using ludcmp( ) & lubksb( ) (9 replies)
  17. bidiagonalization in the SVD routine (2 replies)
  18. Why in SVD convergence can depend on precision? (1 replies)
  19. convergence problems in SVD (0 replies)
  20. compact sparse storage mode to row-indexed sparse storage mode (0 replies)
  21. sparse vs full matrix with same # elements (4 replies)
  22. dmatrix( ) function from NR (1 replies)
  23. LU Decomposition (2 replies)
  24. Sparse LU decomposition (0 replies)
  25. Efficient Algorithms for sparse matrix eigen decompositions? (4 replies)
  26. Question on LU implementation (0 replies)
  27. Question on Jacobi implementation in NR3 (0 replies)
  28. Svd (3 replies)
  29. bandec( ) and banbks( ) for solving 2D Laplacian (0 replies)
  30. Gauss_Jordan Method (1 replies)
  31. Need help passing array to ludcmp (2 replies)
  32. Misapplication of SVDCMP? (0 replies)
  33. Jacop Calcuation time (0 replies)
  34. complex conjugate gradient method? (0 replies)
  35. Best Algorithm: only 1st EigenValue; n>1000 (0 replies)
  36. Determinant of Matrix nxn (1 replies)
  37. Jacob gives different results for unsymatric matrix (2 replies)
  38. Cholesky decomposition NR and MATLAB (4 replies)
  39. promlem about Jacobi() to solve enginevector (1 replies)
  40. Always convergence problemn with "svdcmp" (3 replies)
  41. Jacobi Method Not working (1 replies)
  42. Problem with ludcmp (2 replies)
  43. Problem with SVD (21 replies)
  44. choldc - finding inverse of Cholesky decomposition (1 replies)
  45. How to use ludcmp & lubksb properly? (URGENT) (16 replies)
  46. svd...STRANGE error message! PLS help! (2 replies)
  47. LU decomposition method (1 replies)
  48. jocobi method recipe not working (4 replies)
  49. Under-determined linear systems (0 replies)
  50. Overflow/underflow in svdcmp (1 replies)
  51. A question about gaussj in fortran 90 (2 replies)
  52. Counting det(A) by Crout's method (0 replies)
  53. General eigenproblem with near-singular matrices (0 replies)
  54. Another Bug in svdcmp??? (1 replies)
  55. Limits of matrix size in SVDcmp (2 replies)
  56. qr decomposition question (0 replies)
  57. evecs not correct with jacobi, tred2, tqli (2 replies)
  58. simplex problem (0 replies)
  59. SVD and pseudoinverse (3 replies)
  60. cannocchiali (1 replies)
  61. SVD for only positive variables recommendation needed (0 replies)
  62. Hello, I am Helen!. And even though this my first post here (0 replies)
  63. How to impliment an Aanlog to Digital converter in MATLAB using simulink (0 replies)
  64. NR::sprspm function prototype (1 replies)
  65. Error in algorithm for biconjugate gradient method (3 replies)
  66. Need help invert matrix using LU (0 replies)
  67. Constructing orthonormal basis set (8 replies)
  68. integral equation with singular kernel (0 replies)
  69. LU decompostion fails (7 replies)
  70. Question about the jacobi method! (1 replies)
  71. biconjugate gradient problem (1 replies)
  72. Matrix division using LUdcmp and lubksb didnt work (1 replies)
  73. Complex Eigenvalue (1 replies)
  74. svd and covariance methods (1 replies)
  75. Algorithm for Hankel transform (0 replies)
  76. Discussion: upgrades in qrdcmp(), tred2() (0 replies)
  77. Discussion: ugrades of svdcmp() (0 replies)
  78. Eigenproblem (Jacobi) multiplicity>1 (1 replies)
  79. Is this a valid approach to decompose a transformation matrix with pivot points? (0 replies)
  80. Complex SVD (15 replies)
  81. Conversion of f90 versions of lubksb and ludcmp to complex (0 replies)
  82. machine rounding error (0 replies)
  83. Sparse matrixes of special type (0 replies)
  84. BUG: svdcmp() out-of-bounds array access (5 replies)
  85. tred2 + tqli eigenvectors (0 replies)
  86. svdcmp error?? (1 replies)
  87. Conjugate Gradient (0 replies)
  88. Biconjugate gradient method for complex matrix and variables? (0 replies)
  89. implementing xsimplx.c in C++ (1 replies)
  90. SVD Matrix question (1 replies)
  91. Problem with the pivoting in ludcmp (1 replies)
  92. Quick Question (0 replies)
  93. Problem with LU decomposition (1 replies)
  94. Biconjugate gradient method question (0 replies)
  95. PB with tred2 function SIGN (4 replies)
  96. Inputs for tred2 (2 replies)
  97. SVD bad indices (4 replies)
  98. Sparse Format in NR (0 replies)
  99. nrutil.c compile error (1 replies)
  100. Inverse of Cholesky decomposition won't work--help!! (0 replies)
  101. pseudo-inverse of singular matrix (3 replies)
  102. problems using tqli (2 replies)
  103. Unable to produce physical results in LU method (2 replies)
  104. Complex SVD (4 replies)
  105. ludcmp() fails to find the inverse of a 6x6 matrix (2 replies)
  106. svdcmp: float to double accuracy (2 replies)
  107. nrutil.h (1 replies)
  108. unresolved external in svd (1 replies)
  109. svd of trianglular matrix (0 replies)
  110. NaNs in my U matrix returned from svdcmp (3 replies)
  111. Solution of linear systems using SVD (1 replies)
  112. Fortran 90 (0 replies)
  113. Using ludcmp.c, lubksb.c (2 replies)
  114. eigenpairs of hermitian matrices (0 replies)
  115. uniqueness of SVD (1 replies)
  116. svdfit svdvar standard errors (0 replies)
  117. tridag_par: checking for zero pivot (0 replies)
  118. Complex Determinant (2 replies)
  119. NonSymmetric Eigensystems (2 replies)
  120. Sparse Matrix solution (1 replies)
  121. Problems about updating a QR decompositon (1 replies)
  122. Form Q and R matrix explicitly (5 replies)
  123. problem with hqr (5 replies)
  124. Svd (4 replies)
  125. Simple Svd Questions (2 replies)
  126. need help quick -- problem using tqli() (3 replies)
  127. Please help with solution of linear system (0 replies)
  128. Svd (1 replies)
  129. Help with matrix inversion (2 replies)
  130. svdcmp when M>N (2 replies)
  131. Harmonic analysis (0 replies)
  132. promlem about svdcmp (4 replies)
  133. Problems with svdcmp() (1 replies)
  134. svdcmp: negative singular value (0 replies)
  135. Problem with Jacobi?? (1 replies)
  136. problem (0 replies)
  137. compute only the nth largest eigenvalues and corrersponding eigenvectors (0 replies)
  138. QR decomposition (8 replies)
  139. too many iteration in tqli (0 replies)
  140. svd on "big" matrix (3 replies)
  141. linear system solver (1 replies)
  142. matrix (0 replies)
  143. Single Value Decomposition (3 replies)
  144. Why is NR svd def different from Strang's svd def.? (1 replies)
  145. Yet another SVD post... (7 replies)
  146. SVD Problem - URGENT (2 replies)
  147. SVD And BlockMatrix (1 replies)
  148. SVD and symetric Matrix (0 replies)
  149. Query on Preconditioners for linbcg (Conjugate Gradient for Sparse System) (0 replies)
  150. Segmentation Fault (10 replies)
  151. pythag in routine TQLI (1 replies)
  152. svd for small matrices (1 replies)
  153. HQR index out of bounds (2 replies)
  154. Segmentatino fault for ludcmp (1 replies)
  155. Complex matrices and svdcmp (5 replies)
  156. Inverted columns in SVD (1 replies)
  157. Basic generalized eigenproblem (0 replies)
  158. svd basic example (0 replies)
  159. Problem with SVD (5 replies)
  160. Eigen values vectors (1 replies)
  161. Reduced SVD (0 replies)
  162. Problems with SVD (4 replies)
  163. Any Comparison between NR_SVD and MATLAB_SVD (13 replies)
  164. Svd (3 replies)